Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Zzzzzz... and Happy Birthday to me!

I'm still exhausted. This year has gotten to a MUCH better start than last year with classroom management and pedagogy. A LOT better.

Like Teach Baltimore, and Baltimore Diary, I had a visit from Alonso yesterday, which made my heart stop beating for a second. (Seriously, is that man EVERYWHERE -- or does he just like bloggers?) He was with just my principal who introduced him to my class and talked to him about how I'm teaching AP Statistics this year, so it wasn't very threatening. I even babbled something about pi to him.

My kids are ADORABLE. I bet they wouldn't like to be described that way, but they really are. I've been so impressed by how hard they're working , and I even had a student come to coach class today and it's the first week, so that's impressive. Of course, it's Day 3, so I can expect a bit more trouble to come, but we've started very very well.

Also, it's my birthday today. I am officially 24 years old, which is exciting -- but my birthday today will NOT be that exciting. I have Hopkins classes tonight until 8:45. I guess I can hope that we get out early.

That's all I have for now. I need to get better at posting on school days but, as I mentioned, I'm EXHAUSTED.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday:)

Anonymous said...

I celebrated my 24th birthday in a Hopkins class too! But that was a few years ago. Happy Birthday to you!

A BCPSS Parent said...

Happy birthday - I don't know if the kids like being thought of as being adorable, but it makes me happy to think of teachers being into their students. I'm hoping my kids' teachers are feeling similarly psyched at this point.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Or, as I hope Dr. Andy wished you, Feliz CumpleaƱos!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday -- call home some time busy teacher! Love YOUR FAMILY p.s. package in the mail